Youth : Design the world of tomorrow

MoHo Debate #1 – Stacy Algrain, Juliette Lailler, Justine Sène and the 2022 MoHo4Young winners

Youth: Draw me the world of tomorrow.

“How can we hope to build a different world if we are not able to imagine it first?” – Cyril Dion

Aware that they will be the most affected and concerned by the climate and social challenges ahead, Young people are increasingly questioning their lifestyles, their desire for commitment, their professional futures and imagining new models of society.

Today, 78% of 18-24 year olds would not accept a job that makes no sense to them.

But what does it really mean to find meaning? Where do we start? What are the different forms of action? And how can we really have a positive impact on what is around us?

A professional, associative, militant, artistic, sporting project, through the media or by small gestures of everyday life… There are many options.

An inspirational MoHo Debate on the different forms of engagement, during which we will receive the columnist biodiversity and climate Stacey Algrain who will tell us about her engagement through the media, the co-founder of the collective midnight 12 Justine Sène who will discuss her commitment through art and a surprise guest who will testify to her entrepreneurial commitment.

A memorable evening to discover the young people who move the lines, organized by MoHo and the D-Day Innovation Overlord Foundation with the support of the SNCF Foundation, Raise, Asuwish, Oxford, HEP, Socaps, Schoolab, Juliette, Dans ma culotte, EPSI and la Cantine Digitale.