Reduce, uncycle, reuse plastic… And then?

MoHo Debate #2 – Nathalie Gontard, researcher and Alexis Dusanter, entrepreneur

Reduce, uncycle, reuse plastic… And then? 

From 29 May to 2 June 2023, the second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on “develop a legally binding international instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment”, by 2024.

MoHo has organized a round table with BCG, which brought together researcher Nathalie Gontard (research director at INRAE) and entrepreneur Alexis Dusanter (Co-founder of Bocoloco).

Through their convictions, their mutual views and their expertise, we have returned to the issues and scientific, climate, economic…

We questioned the relationship between humans and plastic, but also to Nature and we have explored several technological and social innovations especially in terms of health and nutrition.

Finally, we have come back to the recent conclusions of the intergovernmental committee.