How to engage the European Youth to invent the world of tomorrow?

Young people are calling for profound changes in our society.

They are the ones who will have to bear the consequences of the crisis and the questionable choices made in the past decades. It is therefore up to the youth of Europe to speak up and invent the day after: a more balanced, fairer, more humane tomorrow. On the 6th of June for the anniversary of the D-Day (the last event where 156 000 young people united to change the course of Europe history), MoHo launches 2044: the first European Youth Coalition determined to Lead the Change. Numerous partners and ambassadors have already joined the coalition in ten countries.

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The thematic of this first debate: how to engage the European Youth to invent the world of tomorrow ?

Our guests:
Nicole Bogott (GERMANY) : founder of impAct
Jean Moreau (FRANCE) : CEO Phénix, President Tech For Good France and Mouves

Moderator: Thomas Friang (FRANCE) : Founder & CEO Institut Open Diplomacy